Featured in the Unmanned Coast Capture Guide for capture managers and contracting officers
Capture managers working to include your business in teams for unmanned system opportunities
Notification of upcoming contracting opportunities
Notification of relevant networking opportunities
Representation or introductions at local networking events or targeted meetings
Virtual presence on the Mississippi Coast if needed
Local office space, meeting space, internet, and phones for local opportunity bids
Local - NO COST
Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Northwest Florida -
Regional - $1000/Year
Southeastern US beyond local area -
National - $5000/Year
Unmanned Coast, a program of NVision Solutions, Inc., coordinates business activities among companies supporting unmanned systems on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Unmanned Coast supports the growing unmanned system operational and development needs of this industry driven by the US Department of Defense, US Department of Homeland Security, and science agencies.
To facilitate the improvement of the local business environment to improve the vitality of member unmanned systems businesses
To identify, and disseminate information on government programs, federal, state, and local that exists to enhance the competitiveness of unmanned systems businesses working locally.
To educate elected officials in the development of economic practices, policy, and incentives that facilitate competitiveness and growth of the unmanned systems industry.

The core Unmanned Coast region is highlighted in blue with United States Department of Agriculture Rural Areas, HubZones, and Opportunity Zones in orange. The dotted line indicates one day driving distance. The upcoming Navy Mississippi Sound Test Range in the Gulf of Mexico is at the heart of the UC region.
Unmanned Coast advocates for member businesses providing expanded opportunities for doing business with the government and broadening the footprint along the Mississippi Gulf Coast and beyond into other industries and markets. We specialize in partnering and teaming businesses to win contracts.